
The Art of Being- Ayurveda Yoga retreat, Sicily 6-12/13-19April

Ayurveda Yoga Retreat

The art of being


Following the path of wellbeing, health and balance We find peace and happiness. The care for the temple of the Divine inside us- our body, is a main concern and work. To be full of energy, joy and love make us capable to give all this to all the outer world.

It is simple, but not easy to reach there by keeping all those programs in this complicated reality that we are situated today.

Ayurveda is an ancient Vedic knowledge about the life itself. Based on the principles of nature, Ayurveda gives us deep understanding of life, so to keep ourselves energetic, creative, open and Joyful.

 Everything could be used as a tool:  food, drinks, oils, cosmetics, activities, music, yoga, exercises,  rituals, different therapies…

In this week this will be our work, to realize how to use them in daily routine so to keep our light mood , strong health, clear mind.



17.00h Welcome circle

18.00h yoga practice Moon salutation

19.30h Dinner


6.30h  Sunrise gazing meditation

7.30h Hatha Yoga practice on the beach

9.00h Breakfast  on the beach

13.00h Fresh Ayurvedic Lunch

17.00h Discourse- Principles of Ayurveda

18.30h Digestive practice

19.30h Dinner

20.30h Discourse- Tridosha and determining the personal psycho-body type



6.30h  Sunrise gazing meditation

7.30h Walk to Castello Saraceno e Madonna della  Rocca

            Yoga practice there

Visit to Alkantara Malabotta and The megaliths of Argimusco, the Sicilian stonehenge

Discourse  and Sunset practice

20.00h Dinner home

21.30h Silent meditaion


According to the lunar position, this day is suitable for cleansing procedures, so this day will be devoted to Kriya yoga.

The natural flow will be followed and the topics will be.

*Water- the cleansing element. Various methods usage of water in different cases and body conditions.

*AMA condition-free radicals, or toxins in the body: how are they formed and kept and how to take them out.

*Daily routine and home cosmetic preparation



6.30h  Sunrise gazing meditation

7.30h Yoga practice balancing Vata dosha

9.00h Breakfast 

11.30h Rules of eating. Main tastes.

13.00h Lunch

17.30h Yoga practice for balancing Pita dosha

19.00h Dinner

20.30h Ecstatic dance meditation


6.30h  Sunrise gazing meditation

7.30h Yoga practice balancing Kafa dosha

9.00h Breakfast 

11.00h Walk to local high energy place, and fire ceremony for burning everything old witch is not in our higher wellbeing, and arising new qualities, attracting what is needed

Lunch outside

20.00h Dinner home

21.00h Discourse –questioning


6.30h  Sunrise gazing meditation

7.30h Hatha Yoga practice on the beach

9.00h Breakfast  on the beach


*We are flexible in the program,according to the group needs or visit some more places in Taormina.


 Happy house is located in a very quiet area, in the center of Taormina- the pearl of Lonian Sea. It a colorful cozy place managed by Bilyana and Gloria- two free souls filling the space with light, beauty and aroma magic. The atmosphere is friendly, warm and open to spiritual activities.  The decor is simple and harmonious, with an oriental touch. 

Retreat leader:

Nora comes from Bulgaria. She is Yoga teacher and Ayurveda specialist  and a modern charmer. She attained her knowledge from Himalayan yogis in Haridwar, India. She use the Hatha Yoga tools in practicing Assana, Pranayama, Murda, Bandha, Manrta , Meditation. Kria Yoga in cleansing procedures to all our inside world. Living in a retreat center, she follows the principles observing the constant dynamic equilibrium of elements outside and inside. She is artist in the vedic Culinnaly and her inspiration is spreading around.  For herself She sais: “I Love to Love. Lover of life, dancer in light, sometimes in the rhythm of my oun heart, I try to share the melody of inner contentment and inspiration.”

Price:  543 EUR
Early bird: 456 to February 29
Booking fee: 50%

It is included:

Accomodation and food for the period

All lectures and practices

What to bring:

If you have a yoga mat

Your happy mood

Something to take notes

Musical instruments if you have any


For more information and enrollment

0039 334 336 8717 Bilyana

00359 887 28 48 49 Nora


Special for this retreat:

This retreat could be helpful for everyone, because we are individuals, and the realization of self need deep understanding so to tune with the real me, besides all frames.

Simple tools for maintaining the health in all the aspects of life is useful for everyone. Focusing on our nature is giving stability and confidence, so to  experience with inner joy, to create, to love the life with all the forms and manifestations. 

Be courageous! Meet your own depth! There is the source of your unique beauty, and divine energy.


Following the path of well-being, health and balance we find peace and happiness.

It is simple, but not easy to reach there by keeping all those programs in this complicated reality that we are situated today.

Ayurveda is an ancient Vedic knowledge about life itself. Based on the principles of nature, Ayurveda gives us a deep understanding of life, so to keep ourselves energetic, creative, open and Joyful.

Everything could be used as a tool: food, drinks, oils, cosmetics, activities, music, yoga, exercises, rituals, different therapies, etc.

This week this will be our work, to realize how to use them in daily routine so as to keep our light mood, strong health, clear mind.

Retreat activities

  • Lecture-discourses in the topic of Basic principles in Ayurveda
  • The three Doshas- psycho-body types
  • Hatha Yoga practice according to the lunar phase
  • Practice for each Dosha- psycho-body type.
  • Pranayama- work the breath
  • Meditation
  • Fire ceremony
  • Kirtan- Chanting meditation
  • Ecstatic dance meditation
  • Theoretical and practical classes in food knowledge
  • Visits of special places in close distance​

We will visit Gorges of Alcantara, the forest of Malabotta the Argimusco the Sicilian Stonehenge.

We will make them a practice of connection with the energies of the divine at sunset and a fire ceremony to free ourselves from all our useless weight and make space for the new space of abundance.

We offer various options, including visiting a local festival, or the markets of Catania or the sea side from Catania to Taormina. You will decide how to spend time the last afternoon together.​​



The nourishment during the will be mostly live vegan and vegetarian food, detox drinks, living water, full Prana income.

We discover and recover the healing power that each one of us has and we learn to help those processes. To tune with the perfect and complete nature that we are.


Happy house is located in a very quiet area, in the center of Taormina- the pearl of the Lonian Sea.

It a colorful cozy place managed by Bilyana Gicheva and Gloria Antonova– two free souls filling the space with light, beauty and aroma magic.

The atmosphere is friendly, warm and open to spiritual activities. The decor is simple and harmonious, with an oriental touch.

How to det there:

The nearеsт airport is Catania Airport (CTA) 50km from where could be taken the Interbus to Taormina center.

The train station located 3km from the city, there is a city bus to the center.

The bus terminal is 10 min walking from the hostel.


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